Hill Country Aeromodelers
Membership Options
Regular Membership
- All new members joining after the first of the year will have their dues prorated based on remaining months at the rate of $8/month.
Associate Membership
- Associate memberships will not be prorated.
Family Membership
- All new family memberships joining after the first of the year will have their dues prorated based on remaining months at the rate of $15/month.
Join or Renew
Step 1 Application
Complete an application and email to membership@hillcountryrc.org.
Step 2 Payment
You have the option of paying online or by check. Please be sure to include your Name and AMA number with your payment.
Mail all checks to: Jim Houck, 2804 Inridge Dr, Austin, TX 78745
Membership Benefits
Access to the HCAM Members Page
Full Members get access to the HCAM Members page where they can view the Member Directory, Meeting Minutes, By-Laws and Club Safety Rules in the Resources Page and User Profile page where you can edit your personal information and change your password.
New members will receive an email with your login information. If you joined and haven’t received access, please contact Jimmy Gaona at jimg1963@yahoo.com.
Once you receive your login information, click on the Log In button on the Menu Bar and enter your information. Once your logged in, click on the the HCAM Members section.

Flight Instruction
RC FLIGHT INSTRUCTION (The fun stuff—flying!)
The Hill Country AeroModelers offers free flight instruction to members. Members must have both current HCAM membership and current full or Junior AMA membership. The “Aeromodelers” currently have many qualified flight instructors who instruct on a voluntary basis; whose availability is governed by work and personal constraints.
Contact our Chief Flight Instructor at instructor@hillcountryrc.org to coordinate with a club instructor to begin your RC flight instruction.
A few words of caution: We strongly urge you not to run out and buy an rc airplane and flight gear without talking with your RC flight instructor—some aircraft are not suitable for instruction and/or beginning flyers. Also, don’t try to teach yourself to fly—it gets disappointing (and expensive) really quick. And finally, we can teach you to fly, but you must give your time and effort on a regular basis to solo. Sporadic flight lessons every 3-4 weeks won’t allow you to build your RC flight skill set.